Helpful COVID-19 & Re-opening church resources

Our world has been drastically impacted by the events surrounding COVID-19. Our communities are facing realities and challenges we could never have imagined, but we know the good news - God's word is alive and brings hope and light to a desperate world. Here are some helpful resources for you and your church as you navigate this season and prepare to re-open.

Special note: The links provided are for informational purposes only. Please be aware that laws, rules, and regulations may differ by country, state, county, city, and municipality. These links should not be construed as legal advice or best practices for your ministry, nor does this create any attorney/client relationship. While we intend to provide information that is helpful, be sure to check with your local officials and discuss with your leadership/legal counsel to determine the best course of action for your church.


Quotes from the book: Do Scale.


Notes from CMN Conference 2020